About College
Pradnya Pratishthan College of Education is located in the heart of Nanded place in Maharashtra state Nanded also know for the Gurudwara. the the flow of student come to the college from the nearby the tribal the poor and the agriculture villages. above 75 percent of then are the wards the downtrodded the poor the losouras and small from holdees for such students is this college is a ray of hope.
From Chairperson Desk

Pradnya Pratishthan College of Education is a reputed and distinguished educational institution

From Principal Desk

Pradnya Pratishthan College of Education is a reputed and distinguished educational institution


students’ multiple and rounded developments of personality with attitude towards cultural nationalism make students perfect as a civilian of professionals



1) to provide the facility of higher education to the students coming from inaccessibly
2) to train the youngsters in such away that they may grow as responsible citizens



To provide higher education to the adolescents coming from the tribal and rural areas and the mofussil. It is perfect to work as a facilitator of curriculum-based education for young enthusiasts.